
Welcome to the Southern African Society of Legal Historians. Our main objects are to promote an interest in legal history and to bring together people interested in legal history both locally and abroad. We have a variety of activities and projects, so feel free to look at our web site and contact us if you would like to join in.

About Us

The Southern African Society of Legal Historians was founded to promote the study of the South African legal system and its diverse heritage. It has a membership of South African and foreign academics who share an interest in legal history generally, and in the legal history of South Africa in particular.


The aims of the Society as set out in its Constitution are to -
  • Further the teaching and study of and research in legal history;
  • Regularly present conferences in order to discuss legal history and related matters;
  • Publish a legal history journal; and
  • Encourage contact and co-operation between legal historians, legal historical societies and other interested organisations in South Africa and abroad.

  • Society Office Bearers


    Prof. Shannon Hoctor
    University of Stellenbosch

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    Vice Deputy-President

    Dr Paul Swanepoel
    University Of KwaZulu-Natal

    Senior lecturer
    College of Law, Howard College

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    Council Members

    Secretary: Mr. Philip Bothma (Rhodes University)
    Treasurer: Ms Andrea Bauling (University of South Africa)

    Prof. Marita Carnelley (North-West University)
    Prof. Anél Gildenhuys (North-West University)
    Mrs Annalize Jacobs (University of South Africa)
    Ms Liezl Wildenboer (University of South Africa)
    Dr. Emile Zitzke (University of the Witwatersrand)