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Membership Application

Bank details:
Account holder: SA Society of Legal Historians
Bank: ABSA
Branch number: 632005
Account number: 1972 0187
International members (outside South Africa) must pay by swift code: Absaswift: absazajj

Please provide your name as reference when making payment and send completed the application form and proof of payment (if applicable) to SASLH@unisa.ac.za.

While the Society is still producing and editing the journal, it is published by Juta. Subscription fees for the journal must be paid to Juta, not the Society. For information on subscribing to Fundamina, please write to newaccounts@juta.co.za for more information. If a member subscribes to the journal, they need only make one annual payment, to Juta. No additional payment to the Society is necessary.

Membership Application Form